This article was originally published on the DiarioAR website on February 19, 2024. Written by Beatriz Busaniche, Vía Libre Foundation. The system was implemented by the Buenos Aires Government to identify fugitives from Justice but, among other things, it served to...
Vía Libre presents itself as friends of the court in the case against RENAPER
On October 29, 2023, the Vía Libre Foundation appeared as amicus curiae (“friends of the court”) in the case where access to personal information housed in the database of the National Registry of Persons (RENAPER) is discussed. , which was the subject of a security...
New report: Legal protection of inferred personal data
Nowdays data is not collected, it is inferred. In a context in which the advance of technology makes it possible to build information about all of us all the time, it becomes essential to think about the protection of personal data arising from these processes. In...
Concern about the inclusion of the DNI in the Census
Civil society organizations, academics and researchers are concerned about the inclusion of a series of questions on sensitive data along with the Census nomination based on a question that requests the ID of the person surveyed. We sent a letter expressing our...
30 Groups Denounce Facebook’s Plan to Extended Data Collection by Pestering WhatsApp Users, Degrading Features
WASHINGTON, D.C. – A coalition of 28 groups across the globe today sent a letter to Facebook demanding the company stop intimidating WhatsApp users to accept extended data collection, originally set to take effect on May 15. Instead of forcing users to immediately...
The Public Prosecutor’s Office ruled that access to information claims are applicable to the AFI
The Supreme Court must guarantee the right of access to public information on the functioning of the intelligence system. In 2017, from the Citizens' Initiative for the Control of the Intelligence System (ICCSI), we made a request for access to public information to...
Negligence, the greatest risk to our privacy
Essay #5 in the Data and Pandemic Politics series on data justice and COVID-19 Editors’ Note: In this essay, Beatriz Busaniche calls attention to state negligence as a risk to privacy. She contrasts overarching political concerns about how data technologies facilitate...
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires’s legislature approved the regulation of Facial Recognition
A medida de la voluntad del oficialismo de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires aprobó este jueves pasado la modificación de la ley 5688 del Sistema Integral de Seguridad Pública, una norma que regula las políticas de seguridad de persecución penal entre las que se...
Ransomware Netwalker: Security for the privacy of citizens
El 4 de septiembre se conoció la noticia de que, unos días atrás -el 27 de agosto-, un ataque de ransomware conocido como NetWalker había secuestrado información de la Dirección Nacional de Migraciones (DNM) y que pidió 76 millones de dólares para no hacer públicos...