New report: Legal protection of inferred personal data

Nowdays data is not collected, it is inferred. In a context in which the advance of technology makes it possible to build information about all of us all the time, it becomes essential to think about the protection of personal data arising from these processes.

In this report we address the legal protection of inferred data from its production to its use and impact, aiming to recognise its existence and account for its impact on everyday life. Through some examples, we see how they are the basis for decisions that can affect everything from privacy to autonomy and potentially the physical integrity of individuals. In view of this, we briefly review the regulatory situation in other countries in order to finally consider a possible regulation in Argentina that would guarantee rights.

We seek through this document to reflect on the importance of understanding that inferred data are personal data, and as such should be regulated from a human rights perspective.




On Tuesday 11 July we presented the report in the auditorium of the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) with the presence of Agustin Allende Larreta (PRIVACYVITAS), Violeta Paulero (National Directorate for the Protection of Personal Data) and Margarita Trovato (Fundación Vía Libre) where the report was discussed and the new draft law on personal data in Argentina was discussed.


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