About us
Fundación Vía Libre is a non-profit civil organization established in Córdoba, Argentina, in 2000. Initially focused on Free Software public policies, dissemination of knowledge and sustainable development, the Foundation reoriented its mission to broader issues such as the impact and influence of digital technologies on Human Rights, with special attention to social, economic, and cultural rights and civil liberties.
Our mission is to promote and defend fundamental rights in environments mediated by information and communication technologies, with special emphasis on the monitoring and development of public policies, public awareness on issues on our agenda, capacity building and the promotion of debates on issues related to technologies that impact on the exercise of Human Rights.
Our vision
At Vía Libre we are committed to the promotion and defense of fundamental rights in environments mediated by information and communication technologies:
Free Software, Access to knowledge and Cultural Rights
From the ideas of Free Software we promote broad debates on the regulations of intellectual property rights based on the principles of free and open access to culture, science and technology. We understand cultural rights as central elements of public life, education and development, which is why we promote an agenda of debates, intellectual property reforms and the exercise of cultural rights based on freedom, access and full participation in culture.
Privacy, surveillance and public security policies
Privacy is a fundamental right included both in Human Rights and in our National Constitution. Its full exercise is of special importance for the development of individual autonomy, the consolidation of citizenship and the development of personality. Finally, the full exercise of the right to privacy is essential for democratic societies, which is why we work to protect this right from both public and private sector surveillance. In this sense, we also monitor public surveillance policies, intelligence services, due process and protection of personal data in the digital environment.
Civil and political rights, electoral technologies
We understand that it is essential to ensure the integrity of the processes and the electoral rights of the citizenry. That is why, since 2003, we have integrated in our agenda the adoption of electoral technologies, including electronic voting machines, counting, and voter identification. That’s why we support arguments and evidence to say #NoAlVotoElectrónico. (#NoEVoting)
Information Security
We have maintained for many years that the practice of infosec should be protected and promoted. We consider that the research, monitoring, reporting and mitigation of incidents and vulnerabilities are essential tasks in a society crossed by the use of digital devices and that these practices should never be considered as worthless or criminalized. Claiming the right to research, to repair, to study, to tinker and to report is essential in our times.
Social impacts of Artificial Intelligence
Every day more social processes and decisions are made by automated systems based on algorithmics. These processes are rarely transparent and imply impacts on the citizens rights. We work on monitoring, analysis and debate from ethics and Human Rights perspective to ensure the adoption of AI does not imply setbacks in the quality of life and the dignity of people.
Freedom of expression and Internet regulations
The arrival of the Internet enabled forms and possibilities of expression that no other media had enabled before. Freedom of expression, as a fundamental right, is one of the essential aspects to nurture the civic space and the diversity of voices. However, situations related to discourse regulations, intellectual property policies or scenarios of high concentration of Internet platforms pose threats to the exercise of freedom of expression. We work to give an in-depth debate on the new trends on the regulation of online speech.
We have two transversal agendas to all our work
● We build our projects with a perspective of integration and gender equality. We consider that the defense of Human Rights is only achievable in environments where plurality and diversity are reflected in the integration of all the aspects that constitute human societies without exclusion and free from all kinds of violence and discrimination.
● We understand that the preservation and promotion of responsible environmental policies are essential for the future of life in our planet. The environmental impact, the climate crisis and the goals of sustainable development should be considered as a priority, therefore we integrate this perspective into each of our projects.
What do we do?
At Vía Libre we dedicate our daily tasks to various activities, among which we can highlight:
- Monitoring legislative processes and public policy decision making.
- Incidence and public awarness on the main topics of our agenda.
- Articulation with public and private sector, including colleagues from civil society to fulfill our mission.
- We dialogue with the press and contribute to informed and evidence-based debate.
- Research and analysis on the topics on our agenda.
- Publications and production of documents with contributions to the public debate.
- We organize forums and events for dissemination, education and training.
- We develop international cooperation projects with organizations related to our mission.