Vía Libre at Rightscon 2021


Vía Libre participated in the 10th Anniversary of RightsCon with several events and sessions.

Beatriz Busaniche, Director of our organization, had a FireSide Chat with well known author and activist Cory Doctorow, They talked about intellectual property, Big Tech regulations, free software, interoperability and privacy in a very intense dialog available in AccessNow’s Youtube Channel.


Via Libre Sessions

Wednesday 9th: “Practicing infosec without going to jail” with the participation of Javier Smaldone, Rodrigo Iglesiasand Patricia Pardini.



Thursday 10th: Community Lab “Let’s talk & think strategies to counteract abusive IP content moderation online!” with Gustavo Gomez (Observacom), Patricia Díaz(Datysoc) and Viviana Rangel (karisma Foundation). The session was conducted by Vía libre’s team, Franco Giandana and Matías Butelman.
