The year of the Covid 19 pandemic found us working as always in some of the areas that we addressed from the beginning: the promotion and use of Free Software, the debate on access to culture, knowledge and intellectual property, civil and political rights, especially the incorporation of technologies into electoral processes, as well as the defense and promotion of the right to privacy and information self-determination. In recent years, we have added numerous debates about the impact of artificial intelligence on social, economic and cultural rights and an agenda focused on promoting information security policies and protecting the community of infosec practitioners.
In response to a tremendously adverse situation for millions of people, we addressed the challenges of this 2020 with the certainty that whatever happens, Human Rights must continue to be the foundation on which building our work. We addressed debates about privacy, the limits to the control of the public sphere and the need for States to arbitrate extraordinary measures related to public health. With great commitment, we deepened an indispensable debate on the protection of privacy in the midst of the worst health crisis that we have memory of in recent decades.
We faced problems associated with security policies, surveillance, ‘cyber patrol’ and illegal espionage, of which our organization was also a victim in recent years. In this scenario, we consolidated and deepened our cooperation with fellow organizations with whom we have been building solid ties for years.We opened agendas, broadened debates, contributed concepts, participated in legislative sessions, dialogued with the governments and the press, built positions on highly controvertial issues, influenced public opinion, contributed to dialogue, and we were also able to adapt ourselves to a year that will be remembered for its enormous impact throughout humanity. Nothing we do would be possible without the enormous number of friends, collaborators, members of the projects, journalists and the media, cooperation agencies and donors who accompany us in each initiative we propose. Without your generous contribution, Vía Libre would not have the possibility of fulfilling its mission.
We firmly believe that the abrupt digitization processes that society is going through today pose a challenge for the full exercise of citizenship, so once again we assume the commitment to continue working in defense of human rights in the digital society.
For these 20 years, on behalf of Vía Libre Foundation, we say Thank You very much!