Rethinking Economics Digital Festival


29 julio 2021




El próximo jueves 29 de julio a las 9:00 (UTC-3) estaremos participando del festival “Rethinking Economics” en el panel “The Digital Divide” del cual participará Beatriz Busaniche junto a Teddy Woodhouse y Benjamin Akinmoyeje.

The Digital Divide. A review of the digital divide in 2021. Over the last year there has been a massive move to the use of digital technologies to navigate the pandemic. This move to digital has made the digital divide worse: The lack of access to better technologies within marginalised communities. The lack of data infrastructure. The cost of data. This session will investigate the current state of the digital divide and some of the solutions.

Accedé al programa completo.

Sobre el festival

27th – 29th July. What is the Rethinking Economics Digital Festival? Well, it’s a mouthful, for starters. But more than that, it challenges and fills your brain with new ideas, perspectives and tools! The festival will propose better paths for our economic futures while reflecting on issues of past and present. This is not just for economics students, but for anyone who wants to understand how the world can and should change.

The Festival will bring together a diverse range of experts and students from around the world to debate five key aspects of our possible economic futures:
● Political and Economic Impacts of COVID-19
● Social Economics of Climate Change
● Digital Economy
● Informal, Forgotten and Hidden Economies
● Global South Economics

Events online in English with closed captioning options, with a selection of events in Spanish. Many to be later translated into multiple languages.

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