Right to share in a free and open internet
Internet Intermediaries are key to freedom of expression and access to culture, they are mediators of public discourse and their platforms function as a sphere of participation and circulation of information. However, as a result of legislation in their countries of origin, they developed strict policies for managing intellectual property online. Enforcement of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is the standard copyright rule, with the consequent impact on the rights of users. FVL intends to defend freedom of expression and the rights of users of internet platforms operating in Latin America by developing a solid and articulated protection of public discourse that today is mediated by social network companies that implement the notification and take down system provided in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. This goal will be achieved by identifying and promoting the use of copyright flexibilities in the region, training key sectors in the use of copyright regulations in favor of access and freedom of expression and the promotion of public-private dialogue to strengthen access policies as well as legislative reforms that may expand the range of flexibilities to copyright in protection of Internet users rights.