Margarita Trovato will participate in the international meeting “America Abierta” to be held at the Serzedello Correa Institute in Brasilia. There she will present the talk “What do you see when you see me?” based on the report “Legal protection of inferred personal data”.
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About the event
Brazil is hosting Open America, which brings together renowned international meetings focused on research, publication and use of open data related to topics such as transparency, access to information, open government, civic technologies, data journalism, digital government, accountability and equity.
The Open America program will include a range of national and international activities, such as the Open Meeting for an Open Region (Abrelatam), the Regional Conference for Open Data in Latin America and the Caribbean (Condatos), the Brazilian Conference on Data Journalism and Digital Methods (Coda.Br), Data Week BR and the Open Government Meeting.
This edition of the cycle of events will be held under the coordination of a Local Organizing Committee, made up of the Office of the Comptroller General, Open Knowledge Brasil, the Ponto BR Information and Coordination Center and the University of São Paulo’s Development and Participation Collaboratory.
Also participating as organizers are the Organization of American States (OAS), the Latin American Open Data Initiative, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Open Government Partnership (OGP), and the Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC).