The Feminist AI Research Network is organizing different conversations with activities associated with feminism and artificial intelligence. In the fourth installment of the series, two projects will be presented: EDIA, from the Vía Libre Foundation together with “La independiente” from PIT Policy Lab, Mexico. This seminar: “Feminist AI prototypes: models for a new world” will be held online, with prior registration on Thursday, October 26, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (ARG).
The f<a+i>r network is dedicated to finding ways to make Artificial Intelligence and related technologies more effective, inclusive and transformative, not just more “efficient.” The goal of f<A+I>r is to accompany the Global South in the production of effective, innovative and interdisciplinary models that take advantage of emerging technologies that correct real-life prejudices and barriers to rights, representation and equality Women’s.
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