IA@Litoral 2023


26 October 2023




UNL Santa Fe, Argentina

IA@Litoral 2023 will take place on October 26 and 27, an event supported by KHIPU that seeks to build and strengthen the AI ​​community in the region. Guido Ivetta will participate in the event as a member of the Vía Libre ethics team. This event is the second to be held, the first was in 2019 with more than 200 participants. And after the Covid-19 pause, a new edition returns to continue promoting the exchange of knowledge and experiences between university students, professionals in the scientific-technological sector and companies in the productive field.

The event will feature a series of technical talks by AI specialists, thematic panels, intensive courses on the latest AI topics, industry representatives and a poster session where the region’s AI community will be able to present their work and Discuss them with the rest of the attendees.

From the Vía Libre Foundation, we recommend the poster by Manuel Zumbado Corrales: “Interactive protein segmentation in cryo-electron microscopy maps” developed at the Technological Institute of Costa Rica.

The event will take place in the Auditorium of the UNL Faculty of Medical Sciences, located in the UNL University City in Santa Fe.

For more information and registration: http://sinc.unl.edu.ar/ia-litoral/
